FHS Daily Announcements
FPS Job Fair - Feb 1, 2025 - 9 to 12 - SWAC
Semester Exam Exemptions
We Need You!!
14th Annual Local Harvest Lunch
FHS Homecoming Parade
It's time to complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application!
Parent Engagement Meetings
Schedule Change Request Form
FPS Families! It's time for Returning Student Online Registration! Please look for an email from fpsinform@fayar.net and follow the instructions in the email to update information in your household.  Please complete your returning student registration by Thursday, August 15th! Check your SPAM or email fpsinform@fayar.net if you did not receive an email! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Back To School
FPS offers Free Summer Meals for  anyone age 18 or younger!
Bell Schedule
2024-25 District School Calendar
FPS School Resource Officers
Engagement - Staff Parents Students Community
Parent Information
ALLPS School of Innovation Black History Month Kickoff
AP Parent Night